How to Bloom in the Season of Yang
June 21 marks the summer solstice and the official beginning of the summer season, which is associated with the element of Fire. It's important to note that in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the mind and the spirit, as well as the heart, are ruled by fire energy.

The Many Benefits of Qigong
Qigong (pronounced chee-gong) is an ancient practice based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Qigong is best understood in the context of the Five Elements: earth, air, fire, water and metal. Each of the elements corresponds to an organ or type of tissue in the body. The foundational concept of Qigong is that of the body’s energy meridians and the vital energy that flows throughout the human body.

The Path to Winter Wellness
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, winter is time for storing energies, for resting and for stillness. This season is dominated by the slower, darker, inward-moving energy of Yin. Winter is the time to emulate the sleeping natural world, by slowing down, becoming quiet, moderating and conserving the fiery energies of Yang.